Isdaly Reyes Writing Portfolio
The Writings of the Writer with Orange Hair
- A mixed structure of excerpts and poems centered around the main characters journey in love and loneliness.

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Newfound Virgin Mary
- A college student sleeping with her professor is reborn as their relationship ends in a bloody mess.

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- A girl settles for a less-than-serious man and begins to realize that she hates everything about him including bacon.

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When Snow Falls In the Desert
- Ángel and Tyler live close similar lives, but when the impossible happens, as a reader, you can't help but rationalize.

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My Edgar
- What happens when a stalker finds out that her infatuation has a deep, dark secret that falls out of the perfect image she had?

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Strange Lovers on the Train
- Two people make eye contact and there is an explosion of emotions confined in the metal walls of the train.

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